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Arizona State University pursues bioscience and biomedical discovery to meet critical global challenges in energy, health, sustainability, engineering and education. ASU’s research enterprise empowers the next generation of scientists, professionals, entrepreneurs and educators through an approach that breaks down the traditional silos between academic disciplines and brings together world-renowned experts to solve these challenges.

 The School of Life Sciences in The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and in The School of Mathematical and Natural Sciences in New College of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences offer dynamic laboratories, state-of-the-art technologies and research infrastructure that support more than 11,300 students in biology and the biomedical sciences. Many pursue discovery and translational research, providing an entrepreneurial climate to bring the best research ideas to fruition.

Attracting research talent from around the globe, ASU is a hub for dozens of cutting-edge, multidisciplinary centers and institutes that range from the ASU Natural History CollectionsBermuda Institute of Ocean SciencesGlobal Drylands Center, Center for Global Discovery and Conservation Science to the Center for Evolution and Medicine, Southwest Interdisciplinary Research Center and the Mayo Clinic and Arizona State University Alliance for Health Care that features a MedTech Accelerator, biomedical engineering and informatics research labs, nursing programs and an innovative education zone.

ASU has also created the nation’s first interdisciplinary research institute devoted entirely to innovations inspired by nature’s grand designs. The Biodesign Institute is designed as four interconnected buildings that will cover 800,000 square-feet. Three award-winning, LEED-certified buildings now house more than 1,300 faculty staff and students. One of the newest core facilities is the ASU compact x-ray free electron laser or CXFEL, which allows fine-resolution biomedical imaging. ASU's research projects and bioscience initiatives are redefining medical research, harnessing cutting-edge technology for the good of the planet, focusing scientific expertise on the areas of greatest human need and part of a larger statewide initiative, Arizona’s Bioscience Roadmap, to build a robust bioscience economy in Arizona.