School for the Future of Innovation in Society
Universities prepare students for the future. At Arizona State University's School for the Future of Innovation in Society in the new College of Global Futures we make the future — or, rather, the set of plausible futures that humanity has — a focus of our activities. We are planning now for the kinds of futures that we will want to inhabit.
We have a faculty with an extraordinary track record of teaching, research and service that fully embraces the design aspirations of the New American University. Their interdisciplinary background ranges from political science to electrical engineering, from physics to geography, from environmental science to law, and from geology to science and technology studies. Through our degree programs and certificates, and coursework, our faculty will — in the words of visionary John Seely Brown — “teach content, mentor skills, and cultivate dispositions” that will allow our students to succeed in making the futures they want to inhabit.
The future is near. Come be a part of it.