College of Integrative Sciences and Arts
The College of Integrative Sciences and Arts offers 21st-century degree programs to students at Arizona State University’s Polytechnic, Downtown Phoenix, and Tempe campuses as well as through ASU Online and the Colleges at Lake Havasu. Degrees are also offered on-site at other Arizona locations, through the community college partnerships ASU@TheGilaValley, ASU@Yuma, and ASU@Pinal.
Committed to interdisciplinarity, faculty and students across the college draw from the sciences and arts and engage with scholars worldwide to address questions with global impact, such as the impact of science and technology on culture, economic development and social change in Africa; understanding the interactions of light with matter at the nanoscale, blending science, medicine and computing; understanding and managing the health of soils, water, plants, animals and humans in our shared ecosystem; leveraging new technologies to communicate more effectively; and applying physics, computer science and mathematical modeling to tackle challenges in physics, material sciences and engineering.
Students prepare for graduate and professional programs in animal and human healthcare fields, research fields, careers in wildlife biology and range management, and corporate careers in the sciences through the college’s bachelor's degrees in applied biological sciences (with concentrations in natural resource ecology, preveterinary medicine, sustainable horticulture, secondary education, or applied biological sciences) and through the interdisciplinary studies degree, where students combine two concentrations of choice from more than 100 options. Degrees are also offered in applied physics, applied mathematics, and applied quantitative science as well as in communication, English, general studies, history, liberal studies, organizational leadership; political science; science, technology and society; and technical communication.
Advanced degrees include the master of science in applied biological sciences, the master of counseling, the master of science in technical communication, and the doctorate in counseling psychology.
The College of Integrative Sciences and Arts is also home to ASU CareerWISE, an online coaching program for women in science and engineering. Counseling and counseling psychology graduate students, overseen by licensed counseling psychology faculty, offer low-cost mental health and relationship counseling services to students, staff, faculty, and the greater community in the Counselor Training Center.